Starting now with The Force Awakens.
(See you next years for The Last Jedi!)
TFA Silent Edition Rendu from TMBTM on Vimeo.
TFA Silent Edition Rendu from TMBTM on Vimeo.
ALIEN-ATE a fanedit of Alien 4. from TMBTM on Vimeo.
LV 426 Fanedit from TMBTM on Vimeo.
Find it now at (not on vimeo anymore, sorry) This is a fanedit of Prometheus with the goal to turn the planet LV 223 into LV 426 in order to make it a proper prequel to the first Alien movie. So this fanedit is not meant to be seen with Alien Convenant. Most of the annoying aspects of the original movie (in my opinion) are now removed and/or changed a bit. - New Lenght 93 minutes. - 40 minutes are cut. - 9 minutes are added. - Including about 1 minute of new special effects here and there (some invisibles, some you should see...)