Friday, April 29, 2016

Two Glorious Bastards by CBB is now on Vimeo

In the last article you watched Harmonica, by TMBTM, a fanedit of Once Upon a Time in the West. This is the second fanedit of The Ugly West project. TWO GLORIOUS BASTARDS by CBB: It all started with the German title of the original THE GOOD, THE BAD AND THE UGLY, which is 2 GLORREICHE HALUNKEN (translation: Two Glorious Bastards). Now why the German distributors decided for such an odd title change is unknown, but it inspired CBB to drop THE BAD from his edit and to make things more fun, he also decided to try to remove every bit of the famous and awesome Morricone soundtrack and replace it with Johnny Cash. While the removal of THE BAD was not that hard, even though it required to drop some of the most famous scenes in Western history (e.G.the cemetery duel), replacing the score was a close to impossible task, because the music is deeply woven into the original sound and cannot be just separated. Using various complicated techniques and spending months on the audio recreation, CBB managed to give the fanedit an entirely new atmosphere, not better than the original, but highly entertaining and very different from the original. Each Johnny Cash song was carefully chosen to fit to both the atmosphere and the contents of the scene, in which it was used. Every song was filtered to better represent the 1960s audio quality of the original sound. In the end almost 50% of the new audio is a replacement of the original audio, using bits and pieces from the original, some other movies and sound effect collections.

Two Glorious Bastards from TMBTM on Vimeo.

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